Timber Hill, Surrey

Timber Hill is not very far from Horsell Common. The car park is just opposite a large brick church on the crest of the hill, between Chaworth Close and Brox Road.20180515_171631

From the car park you can follow the Timber Hill Loop that winds down the hill, through part of Ottershaw and back up to the car park.

There are no facilities or seats, and no source of water, but it is very shady and cool. It took us less than 40 minutes to do the loop.


The paths are not really suitable for anyone with a mobility issue but they are very pretty.


  1. Safe once away from the road, and there is a stretch of where you have to go out of the off lead area
  2. Free parking
  3. Very shady
  4. Short walk
  5. No seats
  6. Steep paths
  7. Bins at the car park.

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